Archive for March, 2019

Sometimes when I’m birdwatching

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Sometimes when I’m birdwatching

Reposted from

Sometimes when I’m birdwatching Fifteen months ago the hills…

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

Sometimes when I’m birdwatching

Fifteen months ago the hills above Carpinteria burned. Last Sunday I hiked up the Franklin Trail before dawn; this is what it looked like.

Reposted from

Sea Level Rise Developments in Carpinteria

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

The city of Carpinteria recently completed the draft of its sea level rise adaptation strategy. This is part 2 of a larger document; part 1, the vulnerability assessment, came out in August 2018. In each case I offered comments on the city’s draft document; I’m hoping I’ll have a chance to discuss those comments with city officials at the meeting of the General Plan update committee this coming Monday.

My comments on each part of the document are available below:

More information is available in the series of YouTube videos I made on sea level rise in Carpinteria. The full text of the city’s vulnerability assessment and adaptation plan is available on the city’s General Plan update page.