Flowers on the Franklin Trail, 2016-04-24
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Outtake from my trip to Figueroa Mountain.
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I’ve mentioned how I like to avoid driving on weekends, but I was happy to make an exception last Saturday when Linda suggested a trip to Figueroa Mountain. Here’s why:
Those are lupines in the foreground, lupines and California poppies in the background, and people with dazed grins on their faces walking the trail. This was right by the road — I snapped the photo with my phone out the passenger window while Linda drove.
I’ve seen lots of interesting plant reproduction closer to home lately, too. The young California sycamores at the Heath Ranch Park had some pretty reddish fruits coming in the other day:
It’s seeding time for the arroyo willows at the Carpinteria salt marsh; here’s a shot that shows seeds embedded in the fluff that will carry them away the next time a good wind blows through:
Finally, I’d never noticed the blue-eyed grass at the marsh before; I’m not sure how I managed to just walk by such beautiful flowers in years past without paying attention. They were starting to fade when I was there today, but a few weeks ago they were really impressive looking: