Ducks: Carpinteria Birdwatchers meeting for October 22

Posted October 19th, 2020 by John Callender

Migrating waterfowl are starting to appear in our local wetlands, so join us at our next Carpinteria Birdwatchers online meeting for a quick brush-up on… ducks! The meeting will take place via Zoom at 4 p.m. Pacific time on Thursday, October 22, and will also be available via YouTube livestream.

Zoom meeting info:

Topic: Ducks: Carpinteria Birdwatchers meeting for 2020-10-22
Time: Oct 22, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 0832 3057
Passcode: 721647

YouTube livestream:


  • Nancy Baron’s recent article in the Coastal View News about Townsend’s Warblers and the hazards of migration: A hard journey home.
  • Information on the (hopefully) upcoming 2020 Carpinteria Christmas Bird Count.
  • In our last meeting on sparrows we discussed how identifying Spizella sparrows can be tricky. To help drive that message home I went out after the meeting and promptly misidentified a Spizella sparrow! :-) See my eBird list here for photos of a very cool sparrow I saw along Santa Monica Creek. I initially called it a Brewer’s Sparrow, but subsequent input from helpful experts led me to correct the ID to Clay-colored Sparrow.
  • I’m really enjoying a the 8-part podcast Grouse by Ashley Ahearn. It’s about the Greater Sage Grouse, including how the bird’s decline is causing tension between different groups of people who care deeply about the future of sagebrush country. (Content warning: She uses profanity a few times.)

You can also view the slides from the meeting.

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